You or your family could be anywhere when an emergency occurs. Have you thought about what you would do? What would be your first thoughts? What might you need?

Watch the video, used with permission from the Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Resilience Forum, to learn more about creating a Household Emergency Plan.

We are Ready, are You?

The We are Ready, are You? leaflet (976kb Pdf) is to assist with you own household emergency planning and development of your arrangements.

Explore the following documents and pages to find out if there are any potential risks in your area that could affect you. Learn about the local and national risk register, and read about specific risks and relevant advice

Local community Risk Register

The local community risk register considers the likelihood and potential impact of a range of hazards that could occur in Cumbria. The risks are assessed by the Local Resilience Forum, and the results form the basis for supporting the preparation of emergency plans. The following document gives the potential risks in the area.

For More Information on the Cumbria Community Risk Register

National Risk Register

The National Risk Register sets out an assessment of the likelihood and potential impact of a range of different risks that may directly affect the UK on a national scale.

It is designed to increase awareness of the kinds of risks the UK faces, and encourage individuals and organisations to think about their own preparedness. The register also includes details of what the Government and emergency services are doing to prepare for these emergencies.

For More Information on the National Risk Register (External Link)

Specific risks

For some emergencies, some specific preparations may be required.
Severe Weather
Industrial Sites

Create a House Emergency Plan and a Fire Evacuation Plan - household emergency plan (PDF 87kb)

Know the location of your water, gas and electricity supplies to your home and find out how to turn them off

Ensure you have insurance and know where the documents are located.

Consider putting together a grab bag. If you're asked to evacuate your home during an emergency a bag containing essential items could prove vital. It is not necessary to have this bag packed but you should know where to find the items in a hurry.

Suggested grab bag contents

  • copy of your House Emergency Plan

  • copies of important documents in a waterproof bag (insurance, passport, birth certificate, copies of family photos, etc)

  • torch (wind-up or battery with spare batteries)

  • radio (wind-up or battery and spare batteries)

  • first aid kit

  • medical supplies, copies of prescription slips, toiletries and feminine hygiene supplies

  • childcare supplies (nappies, food, toys, clothes, blanket, etc)

  • change of clothes

  • extra set of house and car keys

  • mobile phone and charger

  • wallet, purse, bank cards

  • notebook and pencil

  • black bag or bin liner

  • pet carrier, collar, lead and food

  • bottled water and snack bars

Add the letters I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) to the person or number on your mobile phone that you'd like to be contacted in an emergency- in case of emergency e.g ICE-Mum, ICE-Wife.

If you live in a flood risk area, do what you can now to prepare for a flood. Don't wait until it happens; you may not have time.

You can download, print and fill in the Personal Flood Plan (pdf, 295k)

The personal flood plan includes a list of things you should do (like moving sentimental items to safety), and provides space for you to note down important contact details such as your utility companies and insurance.

Further guidance regarding flooding and coastal change can be found on the following website  (external link)

Pets are an important part of many households. Please see our dedicated pages for Emergency Planning for Pets.