Severe weather (e.g. heat, heavy snow, blizzards, dense fog, gales, flooding and widespread ice) can cause great disruption to daily routines. Although certain sections of the community are particularly vulnerable, including older people and those who are infirm or who have disabilities, severe weather does not discriminate.

The Met Office issue warnings for rain, snow, wind, fog and ice. These warnings will be given a colour depending on a combination of both the likelihood of the event happening and the impact the conditions may have

Met Office - North West - Severe weather, flooding, drought (External Link)
Met Office - Heat- Health Watch (External Link)

Both the Highways Agency and County Council highways departments salt the roads.

Highways England
Cumbria County Council - Winter road details including salting routes

Keep Warm, Keep Well

1. Heat your home well. By setting your heating to the right temperature (18-21°C or 64-70°F), you can keep your home warm and your bills as low as possible.
2. Get financial support. There are grants, benefits and sources of advice available to make your home more energy efficient, improve your heating or help with bills. It's worthwhile claiming all the benefits you are entitled to.
3. Eat well. Food is a vital source of energy, which helps to keep your body warm. Try to make sure that you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day .
4. Get a flu jab. You can get a free jab from your GP to protect against seasonal flu if you are over 65, have a long-term health condition or are pregnant.
5. Look after yourself and others. On cold days try to avoid going outside; however, if you do need to, remember to wrap up warm. If you have an older neighbour or relative, look out for them during winter to make sure that they are safe and well.

See the Met Office (External Link) for advice

What to do in severe weather - advice

See the Met Office for advice on:

• severe gales, heavy rain, heavy snow and icy roads
• thunderstorms and lightning
• snow and icy roads
• dense fog
• heat and sun